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Key Terms

Self-Directed Violence
Behavior that is self-directed and deliberately results in injury or the potential for injury to oneself.
Suicidal Intent
There is past or present evidence (implicit or explicit) that an individual wishes to die, means to kill him/herself, and understands the probable consequences of his/her actions or potential actions. Suicidal intent can be determined retrospectively and in the absence of suicidal behavior.
Preparatory Behavior
Acts or preparation towards engaging in Self-Directed Violence, but before potential for injury has begun. This can include anything beyond a verbalization or thought, such as assembling a method (e.g., buying a gun, collecting pills) or preparing for one's death by suicide (e.g., writing a suicide note, giving things away).
Physical Injury (paraphrased):
A bodily lesion resulting from acute overexposure to energy (this can be mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, or radiant) interacting with the body in amounts or rates that exceed the threshold of physiological tolerance (e.g., bodily harm due to suffocation, poisoning or overdoses, lacerations, gunshot wounds, etc.). Refer to the Classification System for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition.
Interrupted By Self or Other
A person takes steps to injure self but is stopped by self/another person prior to fatal injury. The interruption may occur at any point.
Suicide Attempt
A non-fatal self-inflicted potentially injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior.
Death caused by self-inflicted injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior.

Remember Behaviors Trump Thoughts