Rocky Mountain MIRECC for VA Suicide Prevention
Rocky Mountain Short Takes on Suicide Prevention:
Postvention Podcast 3: Experiencing a Suicide Loss: Professional Caregivers with Drs. Nina Gutin and Vanessa McGann
15 April 2019
Postvention is for providers too; Professional caregivers, such as mental health providers, medical providers, social workers, trainees, case managers, psychiatrists or supervisors are likely to be exposed to a suicide loss at some point in their career. Join Dr. Nazem as she and the co-chairs of the American Association of Suicidology Clinician Survivor Taskforce, Drs. Nina Gutin and Vanessa McGann, discuss why suicide postvention is beneficial and necessary for providers, the components of a postvention plan, and recommendations for how to develop and implement postvention in professional caregiving workplaces.
Listen to the Experiencing a Suicide Loss: Professional Caregivers podcast
Postvention resources for survivors of a suicide loss can be found at these sites:
- American Association of Suicidology (AAS):
www.suicidology.org - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP):
https://afsp.org - Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC):
Resources Specific to Providers and Clinicians:
- AAS Clinician-Survivor’s Task Force: For Clinicians/Professional Caregivers who have lost clients, family members, colleagues, etc:
http://cliniciansurvivor.org - • Join the listserv for clinician survivors by emailing Vanessa McGann at VLMcGann@aol.com
Check out future episodes in the podcast series at:
Contact the Uniting for Suicide Postvention team to inquire about postvention resources or potential consultation services – Sarra.Nazem@va.gov
You can find all our podcasts at iTunes on your iPhone or on your Android device. You can also find all our episodes at our host site. Other places where you can find our podcasts include: iHeart Radio, and Blubrry.
Categories: Suicide Prevention
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Rocky Mountain Regional VAMC (RMR VAMC)
1700 N Wheeling St, G-3-116M
Aurora, CO 80045
Salt Lake City
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
500 Foothill DR
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
801-582-1565 x2821