VISN 2 Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH)

Paul R. King, Jr., PhD
Clinical Research Psychologist
Dr. King is a Clinical Research Psychologist at the Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH) in Buffalo, NY, and the Director of the CIH Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. He completed his pre-doctoral psychology internship at the VA Western New York Healthcare System and is a postdoctoral graduate of the VA Advanced Fellowship in Mental Illness Research and Treatment at CIH. He earned both his MA (Psychology) and PhD (Counseling Psychology) from the University at Buffalo - State University of New York. In addition to his research and training roles, he provides clinical services and consultation in an integrated VA primary care clinic.
Research Interests:
Dr. King’s research interests include post-deployment health care for Veterans, rehabilitation of chronic neurobehavioral symptoms, and processes pertaining to integrated care delivery. His program of research emphasizes development and testing of brief and accessible interventions to address mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI, or concussion) and trauma-related symptoms stemming from deployment injury and/or intimate partner violence. Recent studies have explored the cognitive and emotional impacts of deployment on combat Veterans, the clinical overlap of mTBI and PTSD symptoms, and opportunities to improve women Veterans’ mental health through integrated care.
Recent Publications:
(past five years;*denotes Postdoctoral mentee/former mentee, **denotes student/former student)
Buckheit, K., Savage, A., King, P.R. Jr., Buchholz, L.J., Wade, M., & Wray, L.O. (in press). Relationships among age, motivation, and exercise among women veterans. Journal of Women & Aging.
**Rodriguez, L., King, P.R., Jr., & *Buchholz, L.J. (in press). Associations among military sexual trauma, positive alcohol expectancies, and coping behaviors in female veterans. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Possemato, K., Mastroleo, N. M., Balderrama-Durbin, C., King, P., Davis, A., Borsari, B., Rauch, S.A.M. (2024). A randomized controlled pilot trial of Primary Care Treatment Integrating Motivation and Exposure Treatment (PC-TIME) in Veterans with PTSD and harmful alcohol use. Behavior Therapy, 55, 570-584.
Balderrama-Durbin, C., Barden, E.P., Gates, M.V., Hill, J., Mastroleo, N.R., Possemato, K., King, P.R., & Rauch, S.A.M. (in press). Examining the temporal relation between posttraumatic stress symptoms and heavy drinking among veterans receiving mental health treatment in primary care. Journal of Dual Diagnosis.
**Krupp, M.B., King, P.R. Jr., Wade, M., & *Buchholz, L.J. (2023). Health service utilization among women veterans who report eating disorder symptoms. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 56, 1593-1602.
Trabold, N., King, P.R. Jr., Crasta, D., Iverson, K.M., Crane, C.A., Buckheit, K., Bosco, S.C., & Funderburk, J.S. (2023). Leveraging integrated primary care to enhance the health system response to IPV: Moving toward primary prevention primary care. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 5701, 1-12.
Buckheit, K.A., Pengelly, C., Ramon, A., Guyker, W., Cook-Cottone, C., & King, P.R. Jr. (2023). Rates and correlates of substance use among women veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating role of COVID-specific anxiety. Women’s Health Issues, 33(3), 250-257.
King, P.R. Jr., Beehler, G.P., Donnelly, K., Funderburk, J.S., Pengelly, C., Wade, M., Kretzmer, T., & Wray, L.O. (2023). Feasibility and acceptability of a brief intervention to improve mild traumatic brain injury recovery: Problem-solving training-concussion. Rehabilitation Psychology, 68(2), 135-145.
King, P.R. Jr., Beehler, G.P., VanTreese, K., Johnson, E.M., *Buchholz, L.J., & Wray, L.O. (2023). Patient acceptability, use, and recommendations to improve interventions delivered in Primary Care Behavioral Health. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 54(2), 188–195.
Mastroleo, N.R., Possemato, K., King, P.R., Balderrama-Durbin, C., Crinnin, C., Cigrang, J.A., Read, J.P., Borsari, B., Maisto, S.A., & Rausch, S.A.M., (2023). Development and initial testing of a brief, integrated intervention aimed at reducing heavy alcohol use and PTSD among military veterans in primary care. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 54(1), 70-82.
King, P.R., *Buchholz, L.J., Tauriello, S., & Wray, L.O. (2023). Qualitative exploration of factors influencing women veterans’ disordered eating behaviors and treatment preferences in VHA primary care. Families, Systems, & Health, 41(2), 214-221.
Johnson, E.M., King, P.R., Beehler, G.P., *Buchholz, L.J., & Wray, L.O. (2022). Patients perceive equal responsibility with integrated behavioral health providers for shared decision-making. General Hospital Psychiatry, 78, 148-150.
Beehler, G.P., Loughran, T.A., King, P.R., Dollar, K.M., Murphy, J.L., Kearney, L.K., & Goldstein, W.R. (2021). Patients’ perspectives of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: Treatment satisfaction, perceived utility, and global assessment of change. Families, Systems, & Health, 39(2), 351-357.
King, P.R. Jr., Beehler, G.P., Donnelly, K., Funderburk, J.S., & Wray, L.O. (2021). A Practical Guide to Applying the Delphi Technique in Mental Health Treatment Adaptation: The Example of Enhanced Problem-Solving Training (E-PST). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(4), 376-386.
Funderburk, J.S., Dollar, K.M., King, P.R., Pomerantz, A., Bernstein, L., Aspnes, A., Tenhula, W., & Wray, L. (2021). Problem-solving training for VA integrated primary care providers: Real-world outcomes. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(1), 58-66.
Beehler, G. P., Funderburk, J. S., King, P. R., Possemato, K., Maddoux, J. A., Goldstein, W. R., & Wade, M. (2020). Validation of an expanded measure of integrated care provider fidelity: PPAQ-2. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 27, 158-172.
Recent Presentations:
(past five years;*denotes Postdoctoral mentee/former mentee, **denotes student/former student)
King, P.R. Jr., Wade, M., **Rodriguez, L., Buckheit, K., */**Shaw, R., Tarannum, T., & Saleem, G.T. (2024, November). Mental and Physical Health Co-Morbidities and Health Service Use Among Women Veterans with History of Intimate Partner Violence. Poster to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
*/**Shaw, R., Pengelly, C., Crinnin, C., Amina, E., Wutz, A., & King, P.R. Jr. (2024, November). Scoping Review of the Role of Social Support in Women Veterans’ Psychosocial and Health Outcomes. Poster to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
*/**Shaw, R., King, P.R. Jr., Pengelly, C., & Saleem, G.T. (2024, November). Patient Perspectives on Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence and Intimate Partner Violence-Related Head Injury Among Women Veterans. Poster to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
King, Jr., P.R., Beehler, G.P., Donnelly, K., Funderburk, J.S., Pengelly, C., Wade, M., Kretzmer, T., & Wray, L.O. (2024, February). Pilot Randomized Trial of PST-Concussion: A Brief Problem-Solving Intervention to Improve Chronic Post-Concussion Symptom Recovery. Poster presented at the Rehabilitation Psychology 2024 Mid-Year Conference (RP2024). Austin, TX.
Crisafulli, M.A., Mance-Khourey, J., Funderburk, J.S., King, P.R., Possemato, K., Wade, M., & Dollar, K.M. (2023, October). Barriers and Facilitators to Training in an Evidence-based Psychosocial Intervention among Rural Integrated Care Providers. Session presented at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association’s Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
King, P.R. Jr., Beehler, G.P., Donnelly, K., Funderburk, J.S., Pengelly, C., Wade, M., Kretzmer, T., & Wray, L.O. (2023, August). Adaptation and Initial Test of an Intervention to Improve Post-Concussion Outcomes: PST-Concussion. Poster presented at the 2023 American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, D.C.
Buckheit, K.A., Pengelly, C., Ramon, A., Guyker, W., Cook-Cottone, C., & King, P.R. Jr. (2022, November). Rates and Predictors of Substance Use among Women Veterans during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Role of COVID-Specific Anxiety. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. New York, NY.
Mastroleo, N., Possemato, K., Balderrama-Durbin, C., King, P., Rauch, S.A.M. (2022, June). Initial Testing of a Brief, Integrated Intervention Aimed at Reducing Heavy Alcohol Use and PTSD among Military Veterans in Primary Care. In N. Mastroleo Ph.D., (Chair), Hazardous alcohol use among Veterans with co-occurring mental health concerns: Mechanisms, consequences, and novel treatment effects. Symposium presented at the 45th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism Conference. Orlando, FL.
King, P.R. Jr., *Buchholz, L.J., Tauriello, S., & Wray, L.O. (2021, October). Disordered Eating Symptoms in Women Veterans: Sociocultural Influences and Treatment Preferences in Primary Care Behavioral Health. Poster presented at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association’s 23rd Annual Conference. (Virtual Conference).
Beehler, G.P., Dollar, K.M., Funderburk, J.S., Moskal, D., & King, P.R. (2021, October). Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: Guidance for Successful Implementation in Primary Care Behavioral Health. Presentation at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association’s 23rd Annual Conference. (Virtual Conference).
**Shaw, R., Crinnin, C., Pengelly, C., Ramon, A., Guyker, W., Cook-Cottone, C., & King, P.R. Jr. (2021, April). An Examination of Sexual Assault History on Women Veterans' Physical Health and Pain Ratings. Research Spotlight presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions. (Virtual Conference).
King, P.R. Jr. (2021, April). Discussant for J. Greenberg, PhD (Chair), Behavioral Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Novel Approaches, Risk Factors and Clinical Considerations. Symposium presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions. (Virtual Conference).
Beehler, G.P., Funderburk, J.S., King, P.R., Dollar, K.M., Murphy, J.L., Goldstein, W.R., Wade, M. & Heapy, A. (November, 2020). Feasibility Outcomes from a Pilot Trial of Brief CBT for Chronic Pain: Extending the Reach of Biopsychosocial Treatment for Chronic Pain. In R. Shepherdson, Ph.D. (Chair), Expanding access to CBT through primary care: Pilot data on brief interventions for mental and behavioral health concerns. Symposium presented at the 54th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. (Virtual Conference).
Mastroleo, NR., Possemato, K., King, P., Balderrama-Durbin, C., Castro, I., & Rauch, S. (2020, June). Adaptation of a Brief Intervention to Reduce Heavy Alcohol Use and PTSD Among Veterans Using a Consensus Method and Open Trial Approach. Poster to be presented at the 43rd Annual RSA Scientific Meeting/ ISBRA Congress. New Orleans, LA. (Conference cancelled)
King, P.R. Jr. (2020, April). Discussant for J. Greenberg, Ph.D. & S. Bannon, MA (Co-Chairs), Psychosocial Factors Linked to Persistent Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Symposium accepted for presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 41st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions. San Francisco, CA. (Conference cancelled)
Beehler, G.P., Dollar, K.M., Kearny, L.K., Murphy, J., King, P.R., & Goldstein, W. (2020, February). Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: Perspectives of VA Integrated Care Providers. Poster presented at the American Academy of Pain Medicine 36th Annual Meeting. National Harbor, MD.
Recent Grants:
(*denotes Postdoctoral mentee)
Consultant. (PI: K. Possemato). Type I Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of Primary Care Brief Mindfulness Training for Veterans. VA Health Services Research and Development Merit Program (I01 HX003626-01A2). $1,141,012. (TBD).
Principal Investigator. (Co-I’s: G. Beehler, K. Donnelly, J. Funderburk, T. Kretzmer, A. Ramon, M. Wade). Problem Solving Training for Concussion (PST-Concussion): A Brief, Skills-Focused Intervention to Improve Functional Outcomes in Veterans with mTBI and Co-occurring Mental Health Symptoms. VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Merit Program (1I01 RX004778-01). $1,200,000. (2023-2027).
Consultant. (PI: K. Possemato). Type I Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of Primary Care Brief Mindfulness Training for Veterans. VA Health Services Research and Development Merit Program (I01 HX003626-01A2). $1,141,012. (TBD).
Principal Investigator. (Co-I’s: G. Beehler, J. Funderburk, G. Saleem, N. Trabold). Development of a Problem-Solving Intervention to Address Intimate Partner Violence and Behavioral Health Sequelae. Small aWard Initiative For impacT – Independent VA Investigators (SWIFT-IVI FY23-05-12). $35,800. (2023 – 2024).
Multiple Principal Investigator. (MPI: G. Saleem). Identifying Prevalence, Multi-morbidities, and Psychosocial Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence-Related Repetitive Acquired Brain Injury. VA Center for Integrated Healthcare Pilot Grant Program. $14,923. (2022 – 2023).
Co-Investigator. (PI: G. Beehler). Assessing the Feasibility of Chronic Pain Prevention Strategies in Primary Care. Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Small aWard Initiative For impacT – Independent VA Investigators (SWIFT-IVI FY22-03-1). $41,923. (2022 – 2023).
Co-Investigator. (PI: G. Beehler). Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain to Improve Functional Outcomes among Primary Care Veterans. VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Merit Program (1I01 RX003485-01A1). $1,105,930. (2021 – 2025).
Co-Investigator. (PI: K. Dollar). Enhancing Rural Mental Health Access through High-Efficiency Provider Training: Adapting Problem-Solving Training in Primary Care (PST-PC). Veterans Rural Health Resource Center Grant. $719,364. (2021-2024).
Principal Investigator. (Co-I’s: W. Guyker, C. Cook-Cottone, A. Ramon). Exploration of Women Veterans’ Health and Wellness Activities in Primary Care. VA Center for Integrated Healthcare Pilot Grant Program. $12,210. (2020 – 2021).
Principal Investigator. (Co-I’s: L. Wray, G. Beehler, K. Donnelly, J. Funderburk). Enhanced Problem-Solving Training (E-PST) to Improve Recovery from mTBI. VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Career Development Award-2 (IK2 RX002796). $864,011. (2018 – 2023).
Co-Investigator/ Site Principal Investigator. (Co-PI’s: N. Mastroleo, K. Possemato). An Integrated Brief Alcohol and PTSD Intervention for Veterans in Primary Care. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Planning Grant. (R34 AA026745). $450,000. (2018 – 2021).
Co-Investigator. (PI: G. Beehler). RCT of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain. VA Rehabilitation Research and Development SPiRE Program (I21 RX002741). $199,961. (2018 – 2020).
Why do I mentor? “My experience of receiving and offering mentorship has been greatly rewarding, and one that I view as critical to professional development as a scientist-practitioner. My hope is that the individuals I mentor will continue growing as professionals, with support and encouragement, advancing their own lines of independent work to improve Veterans’ health and well-being in innovative ways.”
How do I go about mentoring? “I take a developmental approach to mentoring. Generally, we start by building a training plan to identify what mentees’ goals are relative to research, practice, and other areas of professional growth. Over the course of our work together, we then collaborate to identify opportunities to address those training goals through scheduled and ad hoc supervision, didactics, consultation, and real-world project management and grant-writing experience. Ultimately, I strive to build a collegial and supportive environment that will support mentees as they build advanced competencies in research and practice, growing their senses of self-efficacy and independence in the process.”
Areas I tend to Emphasize within Mentorship:
- Doing work that is personally and professionally meaningful;
- Developing professional goals and feasible plans to reach milestones;
- Practical experience with project implementation and administration;
- Learning to use, evaluate, and adapt manualized interventions;
- Mixed-methods approaches to addressing research questions;
- Scientific writing and communication;
- Participation in professional conferences;
- Effective time and effort management;
- Work-life fit
Accomplishments of Previous Students:
- Peer-reviewed publications
- Conference presentations
- Awarded pilot grant