Clinical Resources for EBP Providers
This section provides a list of resources for clinicians who provide evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) or are interested in learning more about these treatments. These resources include EBP brochures for Veterans and family members; EBP clinician fact sheets for mental health and non-mental health providers; comprehensive therapist manuals for implementing EBPs with Veterans; mobile apps for increasing skills or using as an adjunct to treatment; and an overview of EBP research and evaluation studies.
On this page:
Patient EBP Brochures 
This section includes patient brochures for different EBPs. They may be provided to Veterans prior to or at the beginning of treatment and made available in primary care and other potential referral settings.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
- Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD
- Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Management of Chronic Pain
Clinician EBP Fact Sheets 
This section includes informational fact sheets for mental health and non-mental health providers interested in learning more about EBPs.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
- Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD
- Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Management of Chronic Pain
Clinical Resources for EBP Providers 
This section includes therapist manuals for implementing EBPs with Veterans, as well as links to mobile applications based on EBPs that may be recommended to Veterans for increasing skills or using as an adjunct to treatment. The therapist manuals included in this section are designed to serve as a training resource for therapists completing specific VA EBP Training Programs, as well as for others inside and outside of the VA health care system and the military who are interested in further developing their EBP skills. These manuals are not a substitute for competency-based training in a specific EBP, but can be a useful resource to those receiving or who have received specific EBP training.
EBP Providers can also access the current Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and more.
Therapist Manuals for EBPs with Veterans
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Management of Chronic Pain
Mobile Apps for Increasing Skills or Using in Treatment
ACT Coach
This free app, developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT aims to help you live with unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and impulses without avoiding them or being controlled by them. In ACT, you are encouraged to commit to actions so that you can live your life by your values, even in the face of these unpleasant experiences. This app was developed for Veterans, Service Members, and other people who are in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with a therapist. It offers exercises, tools, information, and tracking logs so you can practice what you're learning in your daily life.
CBT-I Coach
This free app, developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia treatment. It is designed to help Veterans learn more about how sleep works and how to make changes to your approach to sleep.
VetChange is a free app for Veterans and Service members who are concerned about their drinking and how it relates to posttraumatic stress, and for all people who are interested in developing healthier drinking behaviors. This app provides tools for cutting down or quitting drinking, tools for managing stress symptoms, education about alcohol use and how it relates to PTSD symptoms, and guidance to find professional treatment.
Stay Quit Coach
This free app, developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is designed to help Veterans with PTSD quit smoking. It provides education about smoking and quitting, tools to help users cope with urges to smoke, and motivation and support.
PTSD Coach
This free app, developed by the National Center for PTSD, provides information and teaches skills for coping with symptoms of PTSD.
PTSD Family Coach
This free app, developed by the National Center for PTSD, offers resources to support family members of those living with PTSD.
Mindfulness Coach
This free app, developed by the National Center for PTSD, teaches mindfulness skills to help reduce stress and increase ability to cope with unpleasant thoughts and emotions.
PE Coach
This free app, developed by the National Center for PTSD, was made patients to use with their therapists during Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. PE is an evidence-based psychotherapy for PTSD that helps you decrease distress about your trauma. PE has been shown to be one of the most effective treatments for PTSD.
CPT Coach
This section includes a listing of meta-analyses and research and evaluation studies examining the efficacy and effectiveness of evidence-based psychotherapies for various conditions in the general population and with Veterans, specifically.
Research and Evaluation 
This section includes a listing of meta-analyses and research and evaluation studies examining the efficacy and effectiveness of evidence-based psychotherapies for various conditions in the general population and with Veterans, specifically.
Meta-Analyses/Review Articles
- 2012). The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36(5), 427-440. (
- 2011). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(8), 581-592. (
Studies with Veterans
- 2012). National dissemination of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system: Therapist and patient-level outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80, 707-718. (
- Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression among older versus younger veterans: Results of a national evaluation. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 70(1), 3-12. ().
- 2016). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for veterans with depression and suicidal ideation. Archives of Suicide Research, 20(4), 677-682. (
- 2014). National dissemination of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for depression in Veterans: Therapist and patient-level outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(6), 1201-1206. (
- 2013). Training in and implementation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for depression in the Veterans Health Administration: Therapist and patient outcomes. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51(9), 555-563. (
- 2013). Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for depression: Comparison among older and younger veterans. Aging & Mental Health, 17(5), 555-563. (
Meta-Analyses/Review Articles
- 2015). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for chronic insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 163(3), 191-204. (
- 2012). Comparative effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice, 13(40). (
- 2011). A meta-analysis on the treatment effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for primary insomnia. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 9(1), 24-34. (
Studies in Veteran Population
- 2013). National dissemination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia in Veterans: Clinician and patient-level outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81, 912-917. (
- 20104). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia with veterans: evaluation of effectiveness and correlates of treatment outcomes. Behavior Research and Therapy, 53, 41-46. (
- 2015). National evaluation of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia among older versus younger veterans. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(3), 308-315. (
- 2015). Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on suicidal ideation in veterans. Sleep, 38(2), 259-265. (
Meta-Analyses/Review Articles
- 2013). Meta-analysis of the efficacy of treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 74(6), 541-550. (
- 2010). A meta-analytic review of prolonged exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(6), 635-641. (
Studies with Veterans
- 2013). Effectiveness of national implementation of Prolonged Exposure Therapy in VA care. JAMA Psychiatry, 70(9), 949-955. (
- 2012). A multisite randomized controlled effectiveness trial of cognitive processing therapy for military-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(3), 442-452. (
- 2006). Cognitive processing therapy for veterans with military-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(5), 898-907. (
Meta-Analyses/Review Articles
- 2008). A meta-analytic review of psychosocial interventions for substance use disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165(2), 179-187. (
- 2009). Cognitive-behavioral treatment with adult alcohol and illicit drug users: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70(4), 516-527. (
- 2009). The effectiveness and applicability of motivational interviewing: a practice-friendly review of four meta-analyses. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(11), 1232-1245. (
- 2008). Behavioral couples therapy (BCT) for alcohol and drug use disorders: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(6), 952-962. (
Studies with Veterans
- 2014). Randomized controlled trial of two brief alcohol interventions for OEF/OIF veterans. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(4), 562-568. (
- 2015). Personalized drinking feedback intervention for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76(3), 355-259. (
Meta-Analyses/Review Articles
- 2014). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with chronic pain: efficacy, innovations, and directions for research. American Psychologist, 69(2), 153-66. (
- 2007). Meta-analysis of psychological interventions for chronic low back pain. Health Psychology, 26(1), 1-9. (
- 1999). Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive behaviour therapy and behaviour therapy for chronic pain in adults, excluding headache. Pain, 80(1-2), 1-13. (
Studies with Veterans
- 2011). A randomized, controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain. Pain, 152(9), 2098-2107. (
- 2015). National dissemination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for chronic pain in Veterans: Therapist and patient-level outcomes. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(8), 722-729. (
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Rocky Mountain Regional VAMC (RMR VAMC)
1700 N Wheeling St, BLDG A2
Aurora, CO 80045
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
500 Foothill DR
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
801-582-1565 ext 2835