MyBriefCBT Program | South Central MIRECC

About MyBriefCBT
The MyBriefCBT program was developed to improve access and delivery of evidence-based psychotherapies (EBP) in clinical settings that demand rapid or time-limited interventions. Brief CBT was designed to address depressive symptoms and can be delivered in 3-6 sessions. Brief CBT uses measurement-based care and variable treatment intensity models to streamline the psychotherapy process while respecting the needs of patients.
This patient-centered approach to care can also be seen in the way in which the program leverages a flexible skills-based approach that allows providers and patients to select and inform their process of care. Currently, the MyBriefCBT program is being implemented within several Veterans Health Administration Integrated Service Networks (VISNs) across the United States.
The MyBriefCBT program includes:
- A provider manual and patient workbook that is separated into six sections focused on different skills for mood and well-being.
- Each skill area can be a focus of the work done during a session.
- Every skill area does not have to be completed. Patients and clinicians can focus on areas that will be the most beneficial.
- The final section of the workbook contains extra copies of the worksheets and monitoring forms that will be presented in each skill area.
- Published 2021
The workbook is available in regular PDF and fillable PDF formats :
You can also download individual PDF sections of the workbook:
- 1. Getting Started - The First Session
- 2. Engaging in Activities to Improve Mood
- 3. Managing Unhelpful Thoughts
- 4. Using Relaxation Skills to Manage Stress Tension
- 5. Improving Health Wellness
- 6. The Final Session
- 7. Extra Worksheets
Developed By
Jeffrey Cully, PhD (point of contact/lead developer), Melinda Stanley, PhD, Mark Kunik, MD, Terri Fletcher, PhD, Michael Kauth, PhD, Kristen Sorocco, PhD, Joseph Mignogna, PhD, Andrew Robinson, MS, and Darrell Zeno, MS.
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Use of these Materials and Finding VA Health Care
Note: The health care information provided in these materials is for educational purposes only. It does not replace the role of a medical practitioner for advice on care and treatment. If you are looking for professional medical care, find your local VA healthcare center by using the VA Facilities Locator & Directory.
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Last updated: April 19, 2023