Get Moving and Get Well Manual | South Central MIRECC

This manual was developed for Veterans living with psychotic disorders, major depression, bipolar disorder, and severe posttraumatic stress disorder who have difficulty identifying and making use of opportunities for physical activity.
- Helps individuals take positive steps to increase a general sense of well-being and promote improved mental and physical health.
- Has been updated with sections on weight stigma, mindful self-compassion, mindful walking, and forest bathing.
- Focuses on overcoming barriers to physical activity in rural communities.
- Includes recommendations for how to conduct GMGW in situations where telehealth and/or social distancing is required to maintain the safety of participants and the community.
- Designed to be delivered in two parts over half a year; Part I consists of 60-minute classes scheduled twice a week for 16 weeks and Part II is 8 weeks.
- Updated 2020
This product is a best practice.
Developed By
Marie Mesidor, PhD, Kristen M. Viverito, PsyD, Eric Twombly, and Patricia Dubbert, PhD.
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Use of these Materials and Finding VA Health Care
Please note that the health care information provided in these materials is for educational purposes only. It does not replace the role of a medical practitioner for advice on care and treatment. If you are looking for professional medical care, find your local VA healthcare center by using the VA Facilities Locator & Directory. This page may contain links that will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites.
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Last updated: December 15, 2023